First ,
Form Six is not just about hectic life but also STRESSES!
Man! Talking about stress AGAIN...
The theory of being stress will indeed lead to insomnia.
Holidays should be sleeping whole day long ,
I'm having a serious case of insomnia pula...
MUET is around a few weeks to go ,Mid-Term Exam is around the corner...
Everything seems to be so pack these days...( Form Six's Life )
Lalalala...trying to coop up with it without turning into a real life zombie.
烦人的事!我也想不理它 ,可是它却不肯放过我...悲哀啊!
Studies ,tuitions ,homeworks ,studies ,tuitions ,homeworks ,EXAM ,REAL EXAM!
Freaking scared...zzz
Enjoyed a nice funny short clip. "Piss" (peace) on you ^^v